My Mother’s Letters

jen groeber: mama art

I remember we had at least one television on all day and night for Butchie and he would scream in his stinking chair in the corner while cartoons blared. I remember we ate food that came from the freezer unless it came from a can or was spaghetti. I remember the stress and the yelling before any holiday gathering as we vacuumed and scrubbed and hid things away for company. It always felt like company was a bad thing. At least that’s how I remember it.

I remember because these things formed me.

The stories I told in Butchie’s eulogy included the time he choked on a hotdog at the kitchen table and it didn’t pop out of his mouth until my mother threw him down onto the table, yelling, “Breathe, Goddammit!” At the rest of us, “Keep eating!”

The day he pulled his G-tube out of his abdomen, covering the…

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2013 Projects: 365 Days, 52 Weeks News

Many of you use as a daily or weekly outlet to develop your craft (as seen in our popular writing and photography challenges on The Daily Post), or as a platform to chronicle your own post-a-day and year-long projects. Some projects are ongoing from year to year, while others have defined start and end points. It all depends on your project’s focus and scope, and your interests and timeframe.

Before we say hello to 2014, let’s take a quick peek at some blogging projects you worked on in 2013.

365 days

365 Days of Bacon was born on January 1, 2013, as a sort of anti-New Year’s resolution; the blogger wanted to focus on her obsession with bacon and give it the love it deserves:

Blogging about bacon everyday, and making a lot of tasty bacon recipes? Now that was a New Year’s resolution I could…

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Thirsty for Your Love has been nominated!

Fanfiction by Bertie Bott

Thirsty Nomination

Seriously you guys… there are no words for how stoked I am considering I started this story as a whim and it just took hold of me. Currently, I’m on a Vegas family vacation of my own (staying at the Venetian and imagining Damon everywhere, naturally!) and I know some of you were hoping for your chapter update. But fear not, update will be coming this week if the WIFI in our room holds out and in the meantime, if you feel so inclined, please visit (or click the image above) to vote for your favorite stories… me, maybe??? 😀

Voting begins November 13th and will run through the 20th. To my knowledge you can vote more than once, so don’t forget to show my good friends Kittyinaz,Meridiean and 4Padfoot some love as well ❤

Again, thanks to whoever nominated me… no matter what happens, that in and…

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My Dad

May he Rest.In.Peace


John Larrick

For those that didn’t know, my father passed away in Tucson, AZ at 8 pm last night. I have spent the night crying, and most of the day.  I thought I had grieved for him before when he had some strokes that deprived him of his long term memory.  But, he was still there.  So I will like to let you get to know the man that I knew, that I loved as my dad.

I had gone to live with my father for the first time when I was 15.  Before then, I had visited him during the summers, and had enjoyable memories of going to Disneyland, where I loved the Pirates of the Caribbean ride so much that we rode it every morning, and every night before we left.  I also remember getting food poisoning with him on that trip.  He also took me to the San Diego Zoo, where…

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